Sailing Safety Tips

Sailing Safety Tips

Blue Pacific Yachting | Sailboat Charters | Powerboat Rentals | ASA Classes |

Sailing is both a fun hobby as well as a great way to get from point A to point B. There is nothing quite like the feeling of wind on your face and the smell of sea air. You will love how sailing feels, but it is a big responsibility too. When it comes to sailing, safety is more important than having fun. That’s why you must know how to protect your boat while sailing. Here are some sailing safety tips to consider:

Keep your boat safe at sea.

Check for damage.

Before heading out on the water, check for any damage to your boat. Look for cracks in the hull or rigging, loose screws, frayed lines, and other problems that could cause trouble later on. Make sure everything is securely fastened down before hitting open water so you don’t have to deal with these problems while sailing.

Check the rigging regularly for signs of wear and tear.

 If you notice fraying ropes or broken straps, replace them immediately so that they don’t cause problems during sailing.

Check for leaks in the hull at least once a month.

Look for any signs of water damage, such as discoloration or mildew, around seams or under hatches, as well as any wet spots on decking or cabinetry.

Replace the damage.

Make sure they are properly attached and that they are still in good working order. If they look damaged or worn out, replace them as soon as possible.

Use your rudder.

The rudder is probably one of the most important parts of a sailboat because it allows you to adjust your course by steering left or right. If your rudder’s not working right, then you might find yourself tacking back and forth in order to stay on course. Make sure that your rudders are aligned properly before heading out onto open water so they can handle any rough conditions that may arise during your voyage.

If you are sailing in choppy waters, be careful not to turn your boat over by running aground too quickly.

Bring along an anchor light.

If you’re going out at night or during bad weather when visibility is low, be sure to bring along an anchor light so other boats can see you clearly when they’re approaching yours. This will also help them avoid collisions with your vessel if they don’t have radar equipment onboard their own boats.

Register your boat with the Coast Guard.

This isn’t always required, but it makes it easier to track down owners if there’s a problem with their boats. Also, it may help prevent insurance scams—people sometimes claim that their boats were stolen when they were actually involved in accidents and trying to collect on insurance claims.

Insure your boat against theft as well as other risks such as fire and storms.

Insurance companies often offer discounts for people who buy multiple policies (home insurance, auto insurance) through them, so this can potentially save you money as well as give you peace of mind while sailing around in foreign ports with expensive equipment on board!

Learn to have both fun and security while sailing.

There’s nothing worse than having your boat broken while on vacation. Luckily, you can prevent this from happening by taking simple precautions. Learn how you can have both fun and security while sailing on your boat.

I hope that this article on sailing safety has helped you to better protect yourself, your family, and the equipment. By following the sailing safety tips I have provided, you should be able to safely sail in many areas of the world. Though there are many other hazards to sailing that I have not covered here, this article could give you a great starting point if you have never been sailing, or learn more if you are a more experienced sailor.

Blue Pacific Yachting

Proud to be LA’s premier boating destination in Marina Del Rey for over 30 years — Charter a Yacht, ASA Sailing / Powerboat School, Boating Club. Charter Sailboats, Rent a Powerboat, Learn to Sail, Learn Powerboating — or sail to Catalina with us.

Join the Club

BPY does reciprocity with other sailing clubs! It’s like a buddy/sister club system where if you’re a member at another sailing club, you might get membership discounts at BPY too. Talk to Ruth in the office — she’s very nice and helpful if you have any questions.If you have a story to share about Blue Pacific Yachting, please click a review platform icon below to tell your story —  or if you have something newsworthy for our blog, please feel free to reach out to us here.

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Contact Us

We look forward to helping you achieve your nautical goals. If you're just starting out, or hoping to increase your experience level and skillset, we'll get you there. Blue Pacific Yachting has served the Marina del Rey community for more than 30 years. With Sailing instruction, powerboating courses, trips to Catalina Island and the Channel Islands, yacht racing classes, spinnaker clinics, catamaran courses, docking clinics, instructor certification courses — we cover it all. Plus, we have a beautiful fleet of boats to bareboat charter. We are proud to be LA's premier boating destination.


(310) 305-7245



Emergency Tips Before Sailing

Emergency Tips Before Sailing

If you’re planning to go sailing soon, it’s important to know what to do in an emergency. While most of the time you’ll be enjoying the great outdoors and not thinking about safety, planning ahead is always a good idea.

Be prepared

Preparation is the key to any successful endeavor, especially when it comes to blue-water sailing. When you’re on a boat, things can happen that you don’t expect. That’s why it’s so important to always prepare for emergencies.

Being prepared and giving your all when on a boat is important. It may be a matter of life or death if you don’t. Blue Pacific Yachting can help you learn how to go through the proper procedures of things that you need to know before sailing.

Sailing Tips

What should you do if you’re in trouble on a boat? Here are the sailing emergency tips to help keep you and your crew safe:

1. Learn how to operate the radio and other communication devices aboard your boat. 

The first step in creating an emergency plan is to learn how to operate all of your communication devices. You’ll want to be able to call for help if needed, as well as let someone know where you’ll be at a specific time. It’s also important that you are able to contact other boats in the area if you need assistance.

2. Know where your life jackets are and how to properly use them.

The U.S. Coast Guard requires that all vessels carry at least one wearable personal flotation device (PFD) for each person aboard, plus one spare.

3. Ensure that everyone has their own personal flotation device (PFD) on board.

Even if they don’t plan on using it right away, just knowing that they have it will help keep them calm in an emergency situation.

4. Be prepared with a survival kit.

The survival kit includes flares, distress signals, and food rations for several days’ worth of sailing time—just in case something unexpected happens and you get stranded at sea for a while without being able to return home quickly (or at all).

5. Conduct emergency drills on a regular basis.

Emergency drills are one important factor so that everyone knows what to do when something goes wrong on board your boat or when anyone falls overboard!

6. Keep extra supplies on hand

It’s always good to have extra supplies on board in case your boat gets damaged or disabled while sailing—but it’s even better to have them on hand before you ever set sail in case you’re forced to abandon ship.

7. Take a course in CPR and First Aid/AED training so that you can respond appropriately in an emergency.

Learning these skills before embarking on a sailing adventure is necessary because boating accidents can happen at any time. And you, with your knowledge in these areas, will be able to save lives until help arrives.

Have a pleasant and safe sailing.

While the sailing emergency tips provided above will certainly help make your time on the water safer and more enjoyable, one thing is for sure: no matter how thoroughly you prepare for your journey, Mother Nature always has a few surprises up her sleeve. In any case, Blue Pacific Yachting wishes you a pleasant and safe sailing experience.

Blue Pacific Yachting | Sailboat Charters | Powerboat Rentals | ASA Classes |

Blue Pacific Yachting

Proud to be LA’s premier boating destination in Marina Del Rey for over 30 years — Charter a Yacht, ASA Sailing / Powerboat School, Boating Club. Charter Sailboats, Rent a Powerboat, Learn to Sail, Learn Powerboating — or sail to Catalina with us.

Join the Club

BPY does reciprocity with other sailing clubs! It’s like a buddy/sister club system where if you’re a member at another sailing club, you might get membership discounts at BPY too. Talk to Ruth in the office — she’s very nice and helpful if you have any questions.If you have a story to share about Blue Pacific Yachting, please click a review platform icon below to tell your story —  or if you have something newsworthy for our blog, please feel free to reach out to us here.

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Contact Us

We look forward to helping you achieve your nautical goals. If you're just starting out, or hoping to increase your experience level and skillset, we'll get you there. Blue Pacific Yachting has served the Marina del Rey community for more than 30 years. With Sailing instruction, powerboating courses, trips to Catalina Island and the Channel Islands, yacht racing classes, spinnaker clinics, catamaran courses, docking clinics, instructor certification courses — we cover it all. Plus, we have a beautiful fleet of boats to bareboat charter. We are proud to be LA's premier boating destination.


(310) 305-7245



Things You Need to Know Before Starting Sailing

Things You Need to Know Before Starting Sailing

Sailing takes practice.

Sailing takes practice. If you are new to sailing, you might be surprised at how much skill is involved in learning how to sail and how much work goes into preparing for a day. It requires a lot of practice because there is so much to learn about operating a boat and different sailing techniques that you must learn and master before you can safely operate a small or large boat. But if you are up for the challenge, then you will find that sailing can be an exciting pastime and a great way to spend your time.

Navigate Efficiently

It is not just about using the wind, but it’s also about using the sails and other equipment on the boat to navigate through the water as efficiently as possible. Unlike driving on land, which is fairly straightforward, navigating water requires a lot more skill and knowledge due to the nature of the waterways themselves.

Watch the weather

The weather can have a great impact on sailing. For example, the wind speed and direction will determine the conditions on the water. Wind affects your boat’s speed and direction through waves and wind gusts. It may also affect your visibility by blowing rain or snow into your face.

  • Watching the weather means paying attention to all of these factors:
  • Wind direction and speed
  • Clouds (types, locations)
  • Low cloud height (low clouds mean bad weather)
  • Air temperature

Read the weather forecast

If you plan to sail in rough seas or inclement weather, it’s important to know how to read the weather forecast and understand its meaning for your trip.

Sailing in Light and Heavy Winds

Sailing in light winds requires skillful boat handling techniques that take practice to master. In heavy winds, it is exhilarating but requires careful attention to safety precautions at all times. You need to understand that you can’t just look out at the ocean and guess what’s going on. In fact, that’s how people get killed — they don’t pay attention to their surroundings and don’t know when they need help.

It’s all about wind direction.

Wind Direction

The critical factor in sailing is wind direction. The wind blows the sails and propels the boat. Its direction determines where you’ll go and how fast you’ll get there.

Leeward and windward

The wind is always blowing somewhere, but it’s not always blowing at your back. The direction that the wind blows from is called the “windward” side of your boat (or “tacking to”). The opposite side is called “leeward.”

Upwind and downwind,

If you want to sail toward a particular destination, pick a point on land that’s about as far away as you’d like to go — say, three miles away — and tack upwind from there. If you’re sailing from one harbor to another, tack upwind from the harbor entrance and tack downwind once you reach it.

Port Tack and Starboard Tack

If you’re on a lake, then it doesn’t matter much, but if you’re on open water, then it does. When the wind blows from the port, it pushes your boat backward (port tack). And when the wind blows from the starboard side, it pushes your boat forward (starboard tack).

Educate Yourself

Before you jump into any plans for a future on the water, I would encourage you to spend some time educating yourself about this lifestyle. As with anything, once you get used to it and understand what you’re getting yourself into, it can be gratifying. On the other hand, if you are clueless as to what’s required of you once you make the transition, you may regret not taking more time to prepare for how to sail beforehand.

We hope that this article has provided you with useful information on the sport of sailing.

Blue Pacific Yachting | Sailboat Charters | Powerboat Rentals | ASA Classes |

Blue Pacific Yachting

Proud to be LA’s premier boating destination in Marina Del Rey for over 30 years — Charter a Yacht, ASA Sailing / Powerboat School, Boating Club. Charter Sailboats, Rent a Powerboat, Learn to Sail, Learn Powerboating — or sail to Catalina with us.

Join the Club

BPY does reciprocity with other sailing clubs! It’s like a buddy/sister club system where if you’re a member at another sailing club, you might get membership discounts at BPY too. Talk to Ruth in the office — she’s very nice and helpful if you have any questions.If you have a story to share about Blue Pacific Yachting, please click a review platform icon below to tell your story —  or if you have something newsworthy for our blog, please feel free to reach out to us here.

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Contact Us

We look forward to helping you achieve your nautical goals. If you're just starting out, or hoping to increase your experience level and skillset, we'll get you there. Blue Pacific Yachting has served the Marina del Rey community for more than 30 years. With Sailing instruction, powerboating courses, trips to Catalina Island and the Channel Islands, yacht racing classes, spinnaker clinics, catamaran courses, docking clinics, instructor certification courses — we cover it all. Plus, we have a beautiful fleet of boats to bareboat charter. We are proud to be LA's premier boating destination.


(310) 305-7245



Things to Bring on a Sailing Vacation

Things to Bring on a Sailing Vacation

Before you set sail, it’s important to bring essentials on board. What you should bring will depend on your destination, mode of transport, and trip length.

Having never gone sailing before, you may be asking yourself “What do I need to bring with me?” Blue water sailing will be a much better experience for you if you read this article first. Here are some things to consider when packing for a sailing vacation:

Cash, Money, or Credit Card

In case of an emergency, cash is the easiest form of payment for a quick trip to the store or pharmacy. On a longer trip, you may want to consider taking traveler’s checks. Be sure to keep these in a safe place; if they get lost or stolen, you will have no access to them until replacements can be issued.

Your reservation or booking code

This is the most important item you should bring with you — especially if you’re going on a cruise. The cruise line will require this information if anything happens to your trip, such as a change in departure time or if you have to cancel due to illness or another reason. If you do not have it with you when boarding, they may not let you board without it.

Travel Documents

Make sure that all of your travel documents are in order and up-to-date before leaving for vacation. This includes passports, visas, birth certificates, and other official documents. You can also bring along copies of these documents just in case they get lost or stolen while traveling. If you’re traveling internationally, it’s also required by law.

Any medical documents you need

Pack copies of your insurance cards, prescriptions, and medical history in case you get hurt or fall ill while away from home. make sure that all of your medical documents are up-to-date. Always bring enough medication to last through your entire trip, even if it will be longer than anticipated at first glance.

Backpack or dry bag

Bring a sturdy backpack with plenty of pockets for storage. If you’re going on a multi-day sailing trip, you’ll need something to carry your stuff in. A backpack will hold everything you need for your day-to-day life on board, including these personal items:

  • Clothes (includes swimwear)
  • Toiletries
  • Cameras, video cameras, chargers, and extra batteries
  • Sunscreen and Sunglasses
  • Snacks or food
  • Drinking water
  • Hat or visor
  • Snorkel gear
  • Sandals for yacht and beach

Have a fun and comfortable trip

Make sure you have thought about everything you will need on your sailing vacation. You will have a much more fun time if you know you have everything that you need for a comfortable trip. If you plan carefully, you will make the most out of your vacation and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Hopefully, this article has given you a good idea of what to expect and how to prepare before you head out on your blue water sailing vacation. Now it’s just up to you. Good luck, and enjoy sailing wherever your adventures take you!

Blue Pacific Yachting | Sailboat Charters | Powerboat Rentals | ASA Classes |

Blue Pacific Yachting

Proud to be LA’s premier boating destination in Marina Del Rey for over 30 years — Charter a Yacht, ASA Sailing / Powerboat School, Boating Club. Charter Sailboats, Rent a Powerboat, Learn to Sail, Learn Powerboating — or sail to Catalina with us.

Join the Club

BPY does reciprocity with other sailing clubs! It’s like a buddy/sister club system where if you’re a member at another sailing club, you might get membership discounts at BPY too. Talk to Ruth in the office — she’s very nice and helpful if you have any questions.If you have a story to share about Blue Pacific Yachting, please click a review platform icon below to tell your story —  or if you have something newsworthy for our blog, please feel free to reach out to us here.

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Contact Us

We look forward to helping you achieve your nautical goals. If you're just starting out, or hoping to increase your experience level and skillset, we'll get you there. Blue Pacific Yachting has served the Marina del Rey community for more than 30 years. With Sailing instruction, powerboating courses, trips to Catalina Island and the Channel Islands, yacht racing classes, spinnaker clinics, catamaran courses, docking clinics, instructor certification courses — we cover it all. Plus, we have a beautiful fleet of boats to bareboat charter. We are proud to be LA's premier boating destination.


(310) 305-7245



Five Tips on How to Rent a Yacht

Five Tips on How to Rent a Yacht

Yachting is an activity that few can pursue, but many would love to have the opportunity to do so. If you think you’ve got what it takes to step into a luxurious and expensive lifestyle, then rent a yacht. Here are some tips on this endeavor.

Don’t go it alone.

Don’t go it alone. If you’re new to driving a boat, you should always take someone with you when you’re out on the water. This person can help navigate and spot hazards before they become a problem. This is particularly important if you’re using a personal watercraft (PWC), which can be tricky for beginners. If you’re experienced and have something specific in mind, be sure to ask around before going out alone.

Consider the number of guests.

If you’re planning on taking a large group of people out for a day on the water, powerboat charters are generally the better option. It can hold more passengers than sailboats because they don’t require wind power and can be run by an engine instead of a crew member. Powerboats also tend to be able to reach higher speeds than sailboats, so they can get from one place to another faster.

If you’re in a powerboat, you don’t have to worry about room for passengers. If you’re on a sailboat, however, it’s important to think about how many people you’ll be able to carry safely at one time. In general, look for boats that can accommodate between five and eight people comfortably.

How much your budget is and the number of people who will be going

There are two main types of boats: powerboats (which go fast) and sailboats (which go slowly). The trick is finding the right mix between speed and comfort.

Sailing can be an expensive hobby if you don’t plan ahead. You may want to save up for a larger boat in case there are more people than expected who want to go out on the water with you. If this is something that will just be done once in a while, maybe your best option is to rent a yacht.

Which type of yacht do you want to rent—a sailboat or a powerboat?

Looking for a relaxing trip on the water? A powerboat charter rental is a great way to enjoy the water. They offer more speed and comfort than sailboats, making them ideal for longer trips or when you have more people with you.

Powerboat charter rentals come in many different styles and sizes, so it’s important to know what kind of boat you’re renting before you make your reservation. If you’re not sure whether you want to rent a sailboat or a powerboat, here are some factors to consider:

  • Powerboats are generally faster than sailboats.
  • Typically, they have more room than sailboats, which makes them easier for groups of people to travel together comfortably.
  • They tend to be more expensive than sailboats because they require fuel and maintenance costs that don’t apply to sailing vessels.

Book with a reputable charter company.

If you’re thinking of booking a yacht charter, it’s important to do your research before you book. Here are some tips on how to find a reputable company and what to look out for along the way:

Check the company’s website. Check its reviews online. Ask for references and testimonials from past clients or potential boat owners. Verify if the company is licensed and insured.

Now that you know all the basics of sailing, you are ready to set sail! You’ll be blown away by what’s out there waiting for you and the adventures that you can have. So go ahead, give it a go!

Blue Pacific Yachting | Sailboat Charters | Powerboat Rentals | ASA Classes |

Blue Pacific Yachting

Proud to be LA’s premier boating destination in Marina Del Rey for over 30 years — Charter a Yacht, ASA Sailing / Powerboat School, Boating Club. Charter Sailboats, Rent a Powerboat, Learn to Sail, Learn Powerboating — or sail to Catalina with us.

Join the Club

BPY does reciprocity with other sailing clubs! It’s like a buddy/sister club system where if you’re a member at another sailing club, you might get membership discounts at BPY too. Talk to Ruth in the office — she’s very nice and helpful if you have any questions.If you have a story to share about Blue Pacific Yachting, please click a review platform icon below to tell your story —  or if you have something newsworthy for our blog, please feel free to reach out to us here.

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Contact Us

We look forward to helping you achieve your nautical goals. If you're just starting out, or hoping to increase your experience level and skillset, we'll get you there. Blue Pacific Yachting has served the Marina del Rey community for more than 30 years. With Sailing instruction, powerboating courses, trips to Catalina Island and the Channel Islands, yacht racing classes, spinnaker clinics, catamaran courses, docking clinics, instructor certification courses — we cover it all. Plus, we have a beautiful fleet of boats to bareboat charter. We are proud to be LA's premier boating destination.


(310) 305-7245

